Lilly Vrega
I am every bit professional cortesean. I am highly skilled in every area. I am more concerned about your experience than anything else. I come highly reviewed and I have the nicest in call in Grand Rapids
When you call, tell me that you see my ads on ADULTS-ADS.COM
- CategoryFemale Escorts
- GenderFemale
- Available for Incall Outcall
- Service for Men Women Couples Trans Gays 2+
- Orientation Bisexual
- Hair ColorBlonde
- Hair LengthShort
- Eye ColorBlue
- Cup SizeB
- Weight70 kg
- Height1m 71cm to 1m 80cm
- Languages Dutch English French Japanese Portuguese Spanish
- Tags#Cantravel
- Last UpdatedAug 18, 2018, 1:37 PM CEST (Europe/Amsterdam +02)