Coco Chanel once said that "a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous". These two virtues have always rung true with me, a woman who lives life with a sense of passion and adventure, as well as style and sophistication. From the first moment that we catch each other's gaze, you'll notice my warm smile and vibrant yet mischievous green eyes. You'll observe my fair skin that turns to a tan olive tone after lounging by a European-style pool. Your eyes will sail over the waves of my long, blonde hair. Finally, you'll coast over my body, taking in my attractive, well-tailored clothing that hugs every curve of my fit body. When finally we are comfortable enough together to free ourselves from our clothing, you'll be captivated by my all-natural features, from my 32DDD chest to my long, tan legs. Your heart will race from knowing that I hid these beautiful features from the world until I could share them privately for you..