All show no tell. (ptp) Chocolate Queen savior every dropyoung, tender & horny and if you're trying to have the best night contact and let actions do the rest baby. You won't regret it I'm gettin as I type lol.
When you call, tell me that you see my ads on ADULTS-ADS.COM
- CategoryFemale Escorts
- Age21
- GenderFemale
- Available for Incall Outcall
- Service for Men
- NationalityAmerican
- EthnicityMixed
- Orientation Heterosexual
- Hair ColorLight brown
- Hair LengthLong
- Eye ColorBrown
- Languages English
- Tags#Allnatural #Mature
- Last UpdatedNov 10, 2018, 11:27 PM CET (Europe/Amsterdam +01)