Hi, I'm Cece. I'm 22 years old. I selected Huntington, WV because it was the closest but I'm actually located in Beckley, WV. I'm a new face around here so hit me up fur a good time! No way I'm putting 200 characters lol so agdjfbksjanakfbhdkskdbjfbdjfnkensofbjebsbsbdcuvskbodhflehoffheoxhowhxowhdiwbdojwvspjqvsspuvwupdvwuovsou1csohwvdoh
When you call, tell me that you see my ads on ADULTS-ADS.COM
- CategoryFemale Escorts
- Age22
- GenderFemale
- Available for Incall Outcall
- Service for Men 2+
- NationalityAmerican
- EthnicityCaucasian (white)
- Orientation Heterosexual
- Hair ColorBlack
- Hair LengthMedium
- Eye ColorBrown
- KittyShaved mostly
- Languages English
- Tags#Allnatural #Petite
- Last UpdatedApr 25, 2019, 2:01 AM CEST (Europe/Amsterdam +02)