Hy my name its Diana end i whant to meet you . For more info just call me kiss you
When you call, tell me that you see my ads on ADULTS-ADS.COM
- CategoryFemale Escorts
- Phone+47-46347034
- Age27
- GenderFemale
- Available for Incall Outcall
- Service for Men Women
- NationalitySpanish
- EthnicityCaucasian (white)
- Orientation Bisexual
- Hair ColorBlack
- Hair LengthLong
- Eye ColorBrown
- KittyShaved completely
- BreastWow
- Breast TypeNatural
- Cup SizeFF
- Height1m 71cm to 1m 80cm
- Bust110 cm
- TattooDiscrete
- Languages English
- Intimate Activities
- Blowjob with Condom
- Blowjob without Condom
- Facesitting
- Foot Fetish
- French Kissing
- Girlfriend Experience (GFE)
- Handjob
- Tags#Cantravel
- Last UpdatedDec 31, 2019, 5:41 PM CET (Europe/Amsterdam +01)